
Настоящий материал (информация) произведен, распространен и (или) направлен иностранным агентом Благотворительным фондом помощи социально-незащищенным гражданам «Нужна помощь» либо касается деятельности иностранного агента Благотворительного фонда помощи социально-незащищенным гражданам «Нужна помощь».

Что всё это значит?

Групповой сбор
Усы надежды: Help playfully

Это групповой благотворительный сбор средств. Вы можете поддержать его пожертвованием или создать свой сбор внутри группы, выбрать для него свою обложку, описание и цель. Все средства, собранные через групповой сбор, пойдут в некоммерческую организацию «Нужна помощь» на уставные цели.
59735 рублей
100000 рублей
Срок сбора
Cбор завершен 19 октября 2018
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Усы надежды Собирает в пользу некоммерческой организации

One day i read this sentence which particulary touched me .
"Attitude is a choice. Happiness is a choice. Optimism is a choice. Kindness is a choice. Giving is a choice. Respect is a choice. Whatever choice you make makes you. Choose wisely".
This day i understood that everything in life is a question of choice, and all your choices will make your life different. So when i heard about this event i knew that this little help, this little action will make a difference for others and will make myself better.
Сергей Игнашевич is a famous professional football player who doesnt hesitate to give a moment of his life to help the fondation "nuzhnapomosh" (need help). This famous fondation in Russia tries to support all the fondations in Russia to bring a bit of sun to people in difficulty.
Most people in Russia do not have the opportunity to get help from public and charitable organizations, because 50% of them are in Moscow and 15% in St. Petersburg. And in the vast territory where the majority of the Russian population lives, where the least money and the most problems work the remaining 35% of charities. This means that if a person is ill, for example, cancer, he can only rely on a public clinic or a private one. But first it is likely to be treated badly, and on the second he may not have money.

Hopelessness is the main problem faced by a person who finds himself in a difficult life situation, whether it is illness or lack of money, or any other social problem. It is in this situation and help out charities, which are the last hope for help for hundreds of thousands of people in Russia.

To date, the Fund" Need help " supports and finances more than 120 organizations that operate in all regions of the country. These organizations are supported by more than 80 thousand people.

And, what is very important, I fully trust this Fund and I know that every ruble that we collect will go to help people.
This is the Foundation we want to dedicate our tournament to.

That's why i ask you to help me by giving any little amount of money for this people in need and support me to play football in this event.

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